Välkommen att närvara på premiären av dokumentärfilmen " Man is like a Duck " | Lördag 26 Maj

"Man is like a duck" is the story of Patrick Mlungisi Blaai, his partner and their child, who with grace and courage take on the challenge of living with his HIV infection in prejudiced small town South Africa.
Patrick is the small town South African ’guy next door‘, he lives in a shanty town on the outskirts of the picturesque seaside resort, Knysna and, like most people in his community, he struggles from job to job to try and make ends meet. He also lives with HIV, he tested positive for the virus in 1999, a reality he struggles to come to terms with. With the support of his girlfriend who is, miraculously, not infected Patrick takes on the challenges of being an HIV positive man. He has become a counsellor who helps others with the disease he campaigns to change the attitude of his community and particularly of men toward sex, gender and HIV/AIDS.
He and his, fiancée have a son, born without the virus, in 2003. Every day Patrick confronts fear, prejudice, the fact of not being able to con.de in his closest family and the inevitable deterioration of his health.

Torsdagen den 31:a maj klockan 16.00, Filmhuset , Borgvägen 1-5, Gärdet, Stockholm

O.S.A innan 29.e maj till kristoffer.klaren@gmail.com

Allt gott, Marika Griehsel, Simon Stanford och Kristoffer Klarén